Wednesday, September 08, 2004

It Was Raining Cats and Dogs

Most of you might be aware that Pune's rains are second only to Mumbai's. In north, rain is an event. But here, they come and go without a whimper. No thundering of clouds, no lightening and no tiny paper boats on the gushing water either.

The day you thought the season is over and it's time to leave umbrella back at home, get ready for soaking experience. You started from your house seeing a clear sky, half a kilometer while in the auto and the rain is in full flow. Another kilometer, it appears as it never rained.

Sometimes, it is really a funny sight seeing people drenched in water while there is a sun in the sky - just because it rained for a while two signals back.

But what happened in my office yesterday, can add a new dimension to Pune's rains. While we were working on our PCs, water started dripping from the roof on one of the cubicles. Before the fellow could realize what was happening, the 'drip' changed into a 'gush'. The source was a fire alarm.

The water fall continued for about an hour, and in the end it was so much water on the floor that tiny toddlers could have actually swim. People ran helter-skelter and soon all machines were switched of. Machines directly under the water were shifted in no time.

Later it was found that rain water had collected on the upper floor and one of the labourers accidentally banged on the floor with some metallic tool, inorder to clear the water. When he saw water disappearing, he thought water is going into some drain. So he gave two-three more thumps, which resulted in the raining of cats and dogs in our cubicles.

The whole affair served two purpose. First, it was picnic time after 5.30 pm at our floor as all machines were switched off. The other thing was that - it made us realize that it had actually rained outside :-)