Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Games We Played - UnConventional

(contd. from The Games We Played - Conventional )

Unconventional games made the part of the early childhood. Neither as organized as conventional ones, nor as crazy as Tele-Games.

Chhupan-Chhupai or Eye-Spy was the most popular one, and a person who hasn't ever played this game is as rare as Thulium is on this planet. Near my old house, there was a huge timber godown, stuffed with hundreds of wooden logs. It was our favourite hideout, with lots of spaces to hide and seek. Taking shelter inside a container-drum or ducking below gunny sacks was never ruled out. When the 'Chor' would get 'caught', (s)he was given a loud whack at the back of the head with collective shout of 'Teep'.

Vish-Amrit was quite different. Here a single 'Chor' would run after the rest of us, trying to touch while mouthing 'Vish'. If someone gets touched, (s)he can't run as (s)he is now in Vish(poison) mode.Now 'Chor' would seek others, but he has to be cautious because others who are still free can bring the already touched person back to game by touching & shouting 'Amrit'.

Uunch-Neech was a bit more different. The 'Chor' here has to again touch the others, but he can't touch others who are standing at some raised platforms i.e. when they are at 'Uunch'. This 'Uunch' could be a slightly raised footpath or a parked motorbike, anything. Of course, once safe, people would come down from the raised position and run to tease the 'Chor'.

Seven Times involved a plastic or rubber ball. Seven small pebbles would be stacked one above another. There would be two teams. One team would have the ball, and would get three chances to hit the stone stack. The team which hit the stone would have to re-stack the pebbles, while the other team has to hit any rival team member with the ball before they succeed stacking stones. The team who wins gets the next chance to stack the stones.

Of course, there were other fun games like Kho-Kho, & Ghoda Chamair Khai which were very popular in schools games period. These unconventional games actually had more fun quotient while required less skills. This ensured every one's equal participation.

I am sure you all must have played many of these games, and of course others interesting ones as well. Do you want to share some of them?

LATER UPDATED: Based on the enthusiastic inputs from the junta, I am also adding a few more of them.
Kattam Kaat(Knots and Crosses), Statue, Chor Sipahi Badshah Wazir, Name Place Animal Things, Chain-Chain, Tota Ud, Akkar Bakkad, and scores of other games.

My Previous Related Post - The Games We Played - Conventional