Thursday, December 09, 2004

Number 1 & Number 2

baby-s.jpg I agree that we are living in such a cruel times. But still it's difficult to comprehend that these sleepy-eyed, twin cuties have been left abandoned by their parents! Was watching them on television yesterday, and it was really a heart wrenching sight.

Just look at the hair, both the number and colour. Most of my friends don't have so many of them. What should have been bundles of joy, instead have been left to fend for themselves! Whatever the reason may be, from rape to love child, but did they deserve this? Will their parents ever live or die in peace.

Not that this has happened for the first time, and not that I didn't feel bad about that before. But there are some relevant times when the sting feels the worst. I remember there was a nullah behind my school. When I was in my grade IV or V, during an assembly session, we noticed a newly born child's body floating in that. It was blue and dead. That sight shocked both kids and teachers alike.

However, there is a silver lining for these kids. They didn't die, luckily. Many childless mothers, single ladies, even a mother of twelve have come forward to adopt them. A dimpled smile is enough to melt their hearts. But both these small ones, called Number 1 and Number 2 will have to do without mother's milk. There should be capital punishment for this.