Wednesday, December 01, 2004


If there is a born engineer in my group, then there is only one worthy person. Rest of us only hold a degree. We were just good at Maths, Physics, and Chemistry, the quintessential eligibility criterion to become almost an engineer.

A new mobile, or camera or even a TV remote won't escape his attention. And Before long, there would come a humble request - 'Kya Mai Isey Khol Ke Dekh Loon ?' Nothing short of a scream will stop him from prying it open. And he has been doing that since his childhood.

He knows all about gadgets, gears, circuits, chips - everything. At a course in IIT, his ship 'Santa Maria' was the first in the race in swimming pool by a big margin.

Why, he is a born writer as well. You will hang on to his every description. He has a good eye for detail. His 'Doomsman Ki Diary' has lot of Sher penned by 'Ashq Lakhnawi' i.e. himself.

Despite all his greatness, he is a shy person. Sometimes, his fuse gets short but all in all, a very good friend to have. I won't ever able to repay what he has done for me in my difficult times.

Happy Belated Birthday, Ashutosh.

My Previous Post On Birthday Wish - Lady Killer

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