Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lady Killer

I mean, not in literal sense, but by his cute looks, his extremely sharp brain. By his blushing smile, his ready wit. He is the charmer, and has had the most of the girls in the school enamoured by his persona.

Mesmerizer that he his, he is a very smooth talker. Always the one to make an impression even at the first meeting, with guys and girls alike. Throughout the topper(with minor aberrations here and there), he was the most cherished student amongst the teachers, fellow students, even the parents.

Not only that, he has the tremendous command over the pen. I bet, if he decides to write a blog, it would be a best seller. Has the great quizzing skills. Lest I forget, I must add that there is no end to his sporting abilities. Excels in every sport he plays. Got a perfect, smooth side-on right arm action I have ever seen, and very strong on off side while batting.

However, the greatest virtue I can mention about him is that he is a born leader. Always the captain of class Cricket team, class Football team, school (Unity) House captain. Didn't need a MBA degree for that, but now he has it, nevertheless.

But he is a friend for inseparable 14 years, not because of all of this. We became friends in strange circumstances, which only he and Mohan knows. Can't mention that here, I guess. He belongs to my inner circle.

Happy Birthday Hemant 'Naughty' U(t)padhayay !!

My Previous Birthday Wish - Late Charlie

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