I had reached class VI, and had already learned a lot many things I ought to not have known at that age, but one thing I still didn't know by that time was cycling; and I knew I was already overage for that. A lot many things contributed to that.
Firstly, I bore the brunt of the fact that I was my parent's first child, and that too after ten prolonged years. Add to that four abortions and one still born delivery before me and that insured my parents were going to be paranoid over my care.
As if they were not reasons enough, one fine evening came a
Jyotishi Maharaj. Rummaging through my Kundli, and reading my palm, he "prophesized" that I would become a doctor( which I haven't yet, and there is not even a feeble chance in near or distant future), that I would travel abroad ( the closest I have been to abroad is Uttar Pradesh-Nepal border at Katni). Then came the blow.
Baalak Ko Aththarah Varsh Ki Aayu Tak Waahan Chaalan Se Door Rehna Chahiye, Kyuni Ek Aapat Durghatna Ka Viyog Hai!(The boy should refrain from driving any vehicle as there is a danger of accident till the age of eighteen.
That sounded death knell on my aspirations of owning a bicycle. Leave alone buying, I wasn't even allowed to rent-n-learn. I was lavish in cursing that old fellow. But my silver lining was my mother. She decided to fund my renting which was princely one-rupee-an-hour at that time. But real problem was that of a coach.
None of my friends wanted to take a chance. Fear of a scolding from my father, if caught, was looming large on them. But somehow I managed to convince my old buddy Ashutosh. His house was about a kilometer from my place, cycle rent shop was near by, and he was an old veteran in cycling. Settings were perfect.
Training began in right earnest, and time chosen was evening after school. The day one belonged to bruises and balancing. By the second day, the task was accomplished as I could bicycle without support. As we all know, that was as exciting an event as the first day in school/college, first love, first job etc(now days people also include first kiss, first...).
Emotions make a person weak, as heart begins to rule brain. In the heat of excitement, I got over-buoyed, and decided flaunt my accomplishment to my mother.I was sure of not getting caught by my father because the sight of that glistening green Yezdi motorcycle would have warned me from a distance.
I cycled my way to the house; called for my mother; displayed my newly acquired skills as she beamed with pride. My ears were the epitome of concentration. Any noise of that train-engine-cum-yezdi(believe me, silencers just added to show and weight), and I was ready scoot. On my way back, I made sure every neighbour got my glimpse on the cycle. I thought that I would certainly be the talk of the neighbourhood that evening.
But there are a lot of
Diljale in this world. They can't assimilate people's success and joy. I still don't know who, but no sooner did Papa return than, some idiot spilled the beans before him. By that time I had already returned the cycle, and was on my way back home.
It was Ashutosh who saw him first. We were still on the way, and the look on Papa's face said that he knew it all. Ashutosh panicked, and was ready to run for his life. I also was not sure of myself. Maybe I also wanted to run, but ultimately there was no escape.
Papa mumbled to Ashutosh something about not doing this again or he would talk to latter's father. My friend couldn't believe he was let off so lightly. Silently wishing me luck, he scampered away from the scene. I was waiting for a slap or two in full public honour. That didn't happen. May be home was the chosen place.
But I was already happy because first there was no public humiliation, and second I had a life line in the form of my mother. As I had guessed, I escaped corporal punishment but given a thorough verbal dressing down.
That, for me was a tacit approval, that I could do it behind his back. I just had to remember the eleventh commandment - Thou Shalt Never Be Caught!