Imrana -Another Shahbano ?
The same father-in-law turned rapist-in-law, also raped his other daughters-in-law. They didn't report to police, so no fatwa against them, though everybody knows about those rapes.
So Imrana, the brave woman she is, can't stay with her husband because she has 'reported' the rape. Others didn't so they can. The Ulemas or who-ever do 'feel sorry' for the woman. But the shariyat has some laws, you see.
Under that law, if a father-in-law rapes his daughter-in-law, she ceases to be that, and now becomes his wife. Therefore, her marriage with his son automatically becomes null & void. How clean and efficient, no? No divorce, no courts. However, if a woman is raped by anyone else, there is absolutely no danger to the marriage.
The clerics say that this law is in place as a deterrent to those woman who report false cases against their father-in-laws. This is a lesson to them(I saw them speaking on television). I must say, how clean and detailed is shariyat in laying down ther rules.
It has so much heart for those poor father-in-laws, though other rapist are not so lucky. Too bad for them. And here is more. Shariyat also says that all rapist should be stoned to death. So if they could have it their way, this father-in-law should get the same fate, but that is not the law of the land. They are helpless.
By now, I am a confused, exasperated man. If this person is guilty, then he should be stoned. There should be a fatwa for that. But that is conveniently missing. If the law of the land is against it, the fatwa should be against law makers. That is missing too. This also means that they accept Imrana has not given false accusations. Then the fatwa against her should have not been their at the first place.
But we all know the whole truth. The truth is that Ulemas don't care a damn for her. She has been victimized because she complained. The others didn't get fatwa despite the fact that man accepted he has raped them too. So Ulema's are definitely sympathetic to that man. Who knows they also do the same ? And they are running scot free, & are hero figures on every news channel.
And what are the law enforcers of the land doing? Mulayam Singh says clerics are well informed, and educated, hence dead right. Salman Khursheed says we should respect community laws & customs, and there are more important issues and problems to tackle than these, so let's move on. Even, the ever eloquent Brinda Karat(whom the NDTV guys caught hold of , and put her on hot seat) was forced tobe timid. That's a big vote bank guys. Can't hurt those sentiments.
Who knows, they might change the law as well, like Rajiv Gandhi did in case of ShahBano. I must say, I dread being a rural/semi rural Muslim woman. It's a dog's life.
Corrigendum: Changed Noorbano to Shahbano. Thanks to Vivek for correction.